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Falling off the wagon

April 8, 2012

It’s amazing how quickly one can lapse from writing. Since September, I’ve been working nonstop on my books, trying to do at least a page a day. For the past few weeks, though, I’ve been focusing on editing one story and prepping “Achieving Apollo” to post (now available on smashwords and Amazon!) and that means writing has taken a back seat and blogging with it. Next week I start on the prequel to “Apollo,” and I hope it isn’t hard to jump back in the water, especially considering I need to put in research time before I get too invested.

Ah, the balance of a writer’s life. I think most of us remember being scoffed at for focusing so much on a “hobby,” while few realize the hard work that goes into it–learning grammar and the best ways to present words, researching information to go into the book, practicing, writing, practicing, researching, learning more rules of grammar, editing, rewriting, researching, editing, and finally posting, marketing, and chewing on your fingernails, and getting a manicure before repeating.

From → Writing

  1. vhclem permalink

    When did YOU get a manicure?

    • When I had the money. I think my wedding was the last time. And that was your money, so…. When you had the money.

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